Friday, July 13, 2012

Recent Publications by Chuck Knapp

Chuck Knapp has published (or is about to publish) the following:

"Contract Law Walks the Plank: Carnival Cruise Lines v. Shute," 12 Nev. L. Rev. 553 (2012) (symposium issue).

"Unconscionability in American Contract Law: A Twenty First Century Survey," chapter in Commercial Contract Law: A Transatlantic Perspective (L. DiMatteo et al., eds.) (Cambridge Univ. Press 2012).

"Is There a 'Duty to Read'?," Chapter 11, Revisiting the Contracts Scholarship of Stewart Macaulay: On the Empirical and the Lyrical (Jean Braucher, John Kidwell and William Whitford, eds.) (Hart Pub. forthcoming 2012).

Recent Publications by Darien Shanske

Darien Shanske has published, or is about to publish, the following:

"A New Theory of the State Corporate Income Tax: The State Corporate Income Tax as Retail Sales Tax Complement," Tax Law Review (forthcoming 2013).

"The Trouble with Tax Increase Limitations," Albany Government Law Review,
(forthcoming 2012) (invited symposium piece) (with David

"The Saga of State ‘Amazon’ Laws: Reflections on the Colorado Decision," State
Tax Notes
, (forthcoming 2012).

"On Tax Increase Limitations: Part II – Evasion and Transcendence," 63 State
Tax Notes
245 (2012) (with David Gamage).

"Three Essays On Tax Salience: Market Salience and Political Salience," 65 Tax
Law Review 19 (2012) (with David Gamage).

"How Less Can Be More: Using the Federal Income Tax to Stabilize State and Local Finance, 31 Virginia Tax Review 413 (2012).

Williams on Gender Issues

Joan Williams has authored or co-authored the following pieces:

Joan C. Williams & Amy Cuddy, "Will Working Mothers Take You to Court?," Harvard Business Review (September 2012) at 1900.

Stephanie Bornstein, Joan C. Williams & Genevieve Painter, Discrimination
against Mothers is the Strongest Form of Workplace Gender Discrimination:
Lessons from U.S. Caregiver Discrimination Law, 28(1) International Journal of
Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 45 (2012).

Joan C. Williams, Jumpstarting the Stalled Gender Revolution: Justice Ginsburg and
Reconstructive Feminism, 63 Hastings Law Journal 1267 (2012).